At the national dressage show in Le Mans, the eight-year-old Oldenburg stallion and his rider Lena Thouvenin/FRA won the St. Georges and took second place in the Intermediate I.
Lena Thouvenin/FRA and Escolador LTH Dressvalue won the Pro 2 A test (Prix St. Georges) with a score of 67.530 percent, and two days later the pair finished second in the Pro 2 Grand Prix (Inter I) (67.530).
In February, the pair rode Prix St. Georges and Inter I for the first time at the same venue, placing second twice (Pro 2 A: 65.784 and Pro 2 Grand Prix: 66.471).
Escolador was born at our stables, he descends from Escolar out of Laurina (by Lauriess Crusador xx) and was licensed in 2018 at the saddle licensing in Vechta.